It’s the little things that are often the most important and sometimes parents need help with their own important ‘little things’.
This is where Bellyful steps up.
Since its inception 13 years ago, the Bellyful charity nation-wide has fed thousands of families with 200,000 meal deliveries.
The Bellyful East Auckland branch in its nine years has cooked and delivered thousands of meals to local families finding their way through a time when they need it the most.
Recipient referrals come from midwives, Plunket nurses, GPs, family or friends. There are five key meals: beef lasagne, beef Bolognese sauce, macaroni cheese and red lentil soup and a vegetarian curry. All simple, but nutritious and tasty.
The Bellyful East Auckland cooks gather once a month at the Howick Salvation Army kitchen to prepare, package and freeze meals using ingredients paid for by fundraising efforts and donations from local sponsors and supporters.
An average monthly cook-a-thon results in around 160 meals ready to be delivered to recipients and 25 of these meals go to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Middlemore Hospital for parents staying in with their babies.
It takes a dedicated team of 30 caring volunteers.
Howick Tennis Club is holding a fundraising tennis tournament and raffle to raise awareness and funds in November.
We have freezers full of meals so please refer yourself or someone you know who needs a hand.
Anyone can make a referral via www.bellyful.org.nz, but they must have the permission of the whānau first.
“We will provide enough meals for three nights to people who have babies or young children and are lacking in support or going through something challenging,” Bellyful says. “We deliver across east Auckland, from Howick and Maraetai to Flat Bush.”
For more information, contact branch coordinator andrea.martin@bellyful.org.nz, or visit www.bellyful.org.nz.