星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Winning more than just an award for Northpark teen

Vian Shah, from Northpark, got to board a C130H Hercules, see the cockpit and speak to the technicians.

Vian Shah, 17, from Macleans College won the overall excellence award at Blue Light’s Life Skills programme held recently in Whenuapai.

“To me, winning the overall excellence award means more than just winning an award. It represents an ability to achieve things when I push myself and reach my mental and physical limits,” says Vian.

“I think it showed me the true ability I have and that I can push myself further than I know.”

Vian’s mum Dolly, who referred Vian to the Life Skills programme, says, “Besides providing a general discipline and a can-do attitude, I think Vian has understood that life in general is not very easy.

“Not everyone has it all and we need to be happy in our own situations. You need to work hard, be disciplined and focused in life to achieve your goals and ambitions.”

Blue Light youth worker/mentor Stefanie McGregor who attended the camp says Vian’s win is well-deserved.

“Vian was awarded the overall excellence award through demonstrating the qualities of maturity, respect, intuition and through building individual and group mana,” she says.

While on the life skills programme, Vian challenged himself to complete a high ropes course, escape room exercises, parade ground drills and undertake leadership, resilience, teamwork and physical activities.

A highlight of the camp was visiting the NZDF dog unit and No 40 Squadron where he boarded a C130H Hercules, saw the cockpit, and spoke to the technicians.

The programme has been run by New Zealand Blue Light in partnership with the NZ Defence Force for the past 12 years and has adventure-based experiential learning as a key part of the programme.

The programme provides 14-17-year olds’ critical life skills such as self-development, self-control and teamwork designed to enable young people to be successful at home, school, communities and employment.

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