星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Howick Inner Wheel celebrates 30th birthday

Inner Wheel members and Martine, from left – front row: Maureen Kearns, Kamani Gunawardena, Penelope Spencer-MacKay(NZ291 District Chairman),Jeanette Roberts, Cathy Burn, Joan McKay-Guthrie. Middle row: Faye Marie (President IW Mt Roskill, Michelle Atkinson (Immediate Past National President), Joy Ward, Adrienne Davies(Immediate Past District Chair) ,Huibrie Keyser, Joan Swift,Margaret Drake, Brenda Worsley, Sue Skilton, Jillian Moran. Back row: Carmen Stadler-Hanekom(Club president),Martine Abel-Williamson(Guest),Sue Miller,Trevlynne Cowdry, Julia Castles, Bernadine Vester, Helen Davies, Julie Barnes, Lorraine Hammond, Cheryl Anderson, Glennis Pearson. Photo supplied

The Inner Wheel Club of Howick celebrated its 30th birthday on Saturday, November 5.

The club was charted in 1991 with 55 members. Ethel Abercrombie was the first club president. We were blessed to have four charter members at our party who still belong to our club as active members. Margaret Drake flew from Christchurch to join us in celebrating as she, too, was an charter member. It was an evening of great celebration.

The objectives of Inner Wheel are friendship, personal service and international understanding.

Each year the club honour’s a person from the community with the Dawn Johnson Koru Award. This award is in recognition of a resident from the Pakuranga, Howick or Botany area who has displayed perseverance in overcoming obstacles to realise significant achievements. It is awarded to someone who demonstrated resilience, compassion, and a desire to assist others in their community. This year it was awarded to an outstanding lady, Martine Abel-Williamson, who resides in Pakuranga.

Pakuranga MP Simeon Brown nominated Martine for this award and was present at the celebration and was able to present the award. Martine is totally blind and is a passionate advocate for people with disabilities all over the world. She serves on several boards and also works as a senior human rights advisor at the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. Her life story is awe-inspiring and we had the privilege of having her husband Gary and their guide dog Greg present with us too.

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