星期二, 4 月 1, 2025

Is this really democracy?

When you appoint people who are totally unqualified for the portfolios they are given at great cost to taxpayers, they set up bureaucracies to do the work for them.

Because the ministers in charge of setting up each bureaucracy are unqualified as employers to choose the right person, as happened in education, we often end up with a mishmash of ideas from individuals pushing their own often-flawed ideology which have – as in reading and maths – and ended up in disaster.

Proof of this incompetency can be found in debates and question time where those on one side of the house continually blame the others’ failings on the other and so forth and so on.

This often takes days and weeks to sort out when very little gets done. When it does get done, again at exorbitant taxpayer expense, the incoming government immediately dismantles it all to fit their own ideology.

So we end up with what we have now – scores of unfinished projects awaiting parties to agree on – which they seldom do – and any progress, transport and climate change are examples, only occurs in fits and starts and sometimes not at all.

This has a greater resemblance to ‘lemonocracy’ than what is perceived to be democracy.

Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay

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