星期二,3 月 4 日,2025

Rugby league – more than just a game

Rugby league – more than just a game

History and passion. Together, these factors are the backbone of the Howick Hornets Rugby League Club.

Neither of these traits would exist without the other.

It’s thanks to the 60 years of history that there is passion, and in turn, to the 60 years of passion that there is history.

Yesterday’s efforts are the reason for tomorrow’s successes at Paparoa Park meaning with every new day comes a new reason why.

Round one is just around the corner and if Howick playing host to arch rivals [the] Mt Albert Lions wasn’t already enough to max out the passion metres of the Hornets faithful, and see the hill packed on Saturday May 7 – then, the sudden passing of club legend Allen Aukett last week most certainly will.

Al was all heart, a true blue Howickian who had a tremendous impact on our community over a long period of time, which is why his loss has been so widely felt.

He will be remembered as an incredible man who never wavered in his support and belief he gave to uncountable junior Howick Hornets over the last 40 years.

The history books will tell you, Allen, alongside his beloved wife (and fellow club life member) Debbie, has been a long-standing committee member, a coach, a manager and even a sponsor (often all at once), but what it won’t tell you is the amount of Howickians that would attest to having grown into better people for knowing them both.

I am just one of 1000, but I know I speak for them all.

In a fitting tribute, Al’s infamous piece of bar leaner real estate at ‘The Nest’, will now officially be known as Allen’s Corner, a spot forever reserved for the memory of Al and his fellow legendary Howick Hornets that came before us.

Be part of the atmosphere at Paparoa Park from 12.45pm, Saturday, May 7, as passion pays tribute to history, like only the Hornets know how to do.

That same weekend sees the beginning of all competitions, in a shotgun start format that promises to be a huge opening weekend like never before seen in grassroots Auckland Rugby League.

Get amongst it, get behind it, Rugby league for life.

Josh Garry,
Howick Hornets

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