星期日, 3 月 2, 2025

Some numbers re the gangs

Re: Community safety of increasing concern (MP Simeon Brown. — Times, June 1).

I read ‘Gangs’ by Greg Newbold and Rawiri Taonui, https:teara.govt.nz/ and checked the list of New Zealand governments in Wikipedia.

The first gangs appeared in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin in the mid-1950s. National was in government 1949 -1957.

During the Second National Government (1960 — 1972), the following gangs appeared: Hell’s Angels, (1961) Mongrel Mob (1962), Head Hunters (1967), Highway 61 (1968), Epitaph Riders (1969), Black Bulls (1970) later named Black Power (1971).

In late 70s the White Supremacy emerged. In 1978 came Devil’s Henchmen followed by the Road Knights in 1979 under the Third National Government (1975 -1984).

During the nine years National was in power (2008 — 2017), MP and former leader Judith Collins served as Minister of Police, of Corrections, of Justice — three portfolios giving her a good understanding of the criminality in New Zealand and the root causes of crime.

If National has the answers, why was the gang problem not resolved then, Mr Brown? In Norwegian, German and Dutch prisons, there is a focus on rehabilitation. The punishment is taking away their freedom. The inmates are prepared for the life outside through education, job trainings, therapy and activities. Since 2007, Norway is helping inmates to find accommodation and work with a steady income before release. The recidivism rate is one of the lowest in the world at 20 per cent.

Brigitte Horne, Howick

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