星期三, 1 月 8, 2025

What’s happened to our faith?

New Zealand was once habitually described as ‘God’s own,’ its inhabitants recognising, in it displayed, the untouched epitome of the Heavenly Majesty’s creative terrestrial prowess.

Over time, the hallmark of God’s authorship has become obscured, we preferring instead to succumb to the innumerable enticements of the zeitgeist which offers full accommodation of our proclivities.

Disconcerted by the slightest prickly twinge that hints at our consciousness of objective morality, the shameless philosophical and practised extremes of behaviour, antithetical to our Christian roots, are now lauded rather than chance offending the delicate sentimentalities nurtured by our humanistic pretensions: public discussion of Biblical assertions touching these themes viewed an outrage tantamount to inflicting grievous bodily harm.

Thus, the astonishing, untenable causes célèbres, mandated our cultural raison d’etre, are imbued with such militant offence that we scarce deign hope for the return of general courteousness.

Let it not take the full cumulative effects of this unchecked ideological rancour running amok to finally soften our hearts once again toward the remedy; the truth revealed in Scripture.

There’s no profit to be had, insisting that our pride remain intact, whilst our home tumbles down on top of us; our anthem having become, ‘God Offends New Zealand.’

Rees Sutcliffe
East Tamaki Height

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