星期一, 3 月 10, 2025

What’s happening at out local pool?

I am a mum of three in east Auckland.

I wanted to bring to your attention a local issue that I feel is extremely relevant at this time of year. My hope is that you may be able to bring some attention to the issue, which will help it in a positive way.

You may or may not be aware of major staffing and opening hour issues at Lloyd Elsmore pool. It mostly stems from a lack of lifeguards and a lack of candidates.

A quick Google tells you this is an Auckland-wide/industry issue. I am hugely worried about how lack of access is also contributing to our high drowning rate this year. I am fortunate enough to remember how convenient swimming at Lloyd Elsmore Park was pre-Covid when I could take my infant to Lloyd Elsmore at the drop of a hat and the warm toddler splash pool was always open.

I have corresponded with the centre directly and with the help of the Howick Local Board. I appreciate they are doing the best they can with limited resources but what is on offer for our local kids is abysmal.

Swimming is becoming something only those privileged enough for private lessons or with pools at home can safely enjoy. I desperately want to get my one (almost two)-year-old into the toddler splash pool to cover water safety with him in a warm, safe environment but it’s impossible.

If you have kids, you will know that for the little ones, the large pool is too cold and he lasts 90 seconds max before he’s out.

In the toddler splash pool he will happily spend an hour. The problem is on a weekday the splash pool (which is designed to cater to 1-4 year olds) is closed and only opens at 11.30am-1pm which is lunch and then nap time for 80 per cent of this age group. They do open again from 3pm-4pm but only a few families, not the majority, can really utilise that time around kindy and school pick-ups.

Then the icing on the cake is if you hope to take them on a weekend, well you best get there before 10.30am because the centre reaches capacity and you are refused entry.

I am awaiting further information from the centre as to its current capacity and if this will increase when the seasonal lifeguards join the roster in mid-December.

I really do wonder if this one centre has the capacity to cope with how big east Auckland has become and if schools like Howick Intermediate still open to the general public on the weekend like it did when I was at school there.

Anna H, Sunnyhills

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