Friday, March 21, 2025
Home Tags Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay

Tag: Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay

Brit and Euro car show triumphs on scorching Sunday

As the last vehicles wheeled out of yesterday’s stunning Auckland Brit and Euro Classic Car Show, what could be seen across Lloyd Elsmore Park...

Buy a banger and boot it to Bluff

Motoring enthusiasts with an adventurous spirit and willingness to help others are wanted by an east Auckland Rotary club. Bangers to Bluff is the biggest...

Annual Rotary Ambrose Charity Golf Day now 26 years old

The Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay celebrated a milestone on March 11 when it was again host for the 26th year of its...

From a 12-year-old surviving bullets to world class New Zealander

What are the chances of a flight attendant who flew in a group of beleaguered refugees from Indonesia, introducing  Mitchell Pham (a 12-year-old Vietnamese...