Friday, October 4, 2024
Home Tags Superannuation

Tag: Superannuation

Labour candidate focusing on cost-of-living message

As a busy mum-of-three working multiple jobs, Nerissa Henry is well placed to know how the cost-of-living crisis is impacting thousands of Kiwis. The east...

Government lifts incomes, makes Easter easier

Easter weekend will have been a little easier for more than a million people after a suite of April 1 changes put a bit...

Supporting Kiwis with the cost of living

By Naisi Chen, Botany-based Labour List MP Since coming into Government, Labour has worked hard to support low and middle income Kiwis. This week, we've...

Govt cuts 25c a litre off fuel excise in cost of...

·         Petrol excise duty and road user charges both cut by 25 cents a litre for three months ·         Additional reporting to support expectation that the full...

MP: Bill passes to make Super fairer

The passing of the third reading of a bill to increase the residency requirement for Superannuation from 10 years to 20 years will make...