星期六, 3 月 29, 2025

Arts Out East champions creativity

Light installation ‘Shish-Ka-Buoy’ by Angus Muir. This is an Arts Out East project, supported by Te Tuhi and the Howick Local Board.

This year, Arts Out East have been busy empowering and supporting creative arts in east Auckland.

The arts brokering team works with creatives to support the presentation of a wide-range community-focused arts and cultural projects and events.

By tapping into the existing creative community, Arts Out East enhances the visibility of local arts delivered for local audiences. They work in Howick, Bucklands Beach, Pakuranga, Botany, Flat Bush and everywhere in between.

In June, Arts Out East facilitated a talk delivered by furniture designer, maker and creative entrepreneur Tim Webber. Held at Te Tuhi, this inspiring discussion gave members of the public a rare opportunity to ask Tim about his international experiences and design process.

Another recent project delivered by Arts Out East was a mesmerising, temporary light installation made by Angus Muir Design.

hish-Ka-Buoy is a public artwork that has been shown in Singapore, London and now Barry Curtis Park, Flat Bush. Five illuminated towers lit up the park, capturing the attention of local children, families and passers-by.

The launch of Little Wild Universe, the latest album of local musician Claudia Robin Gunn, was also supported by Arts Out East. Performed on the day was Robin’s joyous collection of tunes about the earth, stars and universe; the Uxbridge Theatre was filled with families enjoying the interactive show.

For Mātariki, Paia Swanson Terepo (Ngā Puhi) worked alongside the initiative to deliver Kotahi te Raranga. The hands-on raranga (weaving) workshop taught participants korowai and harakeke techniques.

In the coming months, east Auckland will be seeing several Arts Out East-supported activations come to light across a range of disciplines, from pottery, dance and music to public art and exhibitions.

Arts Out East is a Te Tuhi programme funded by Howick Local Board. The team is comprised of two arts brokers, Olivia Laita (project management) and Briana Woolliams (community outreach) with support from arts advisor, Zoe Black.

To find out more information about upcoming events or to get in touch with Arts Out East, visit www.artsouteast.org.nz.

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