星期五, 3 月 7, 2025

Luxon: A new ram-raid every 15 hours

There have already been more ram raids in just nine months of this year than in 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined. Times photo Wayne Martin

Two years ago, ‘ram-raid’ was a term not known to most Kiwis. They still happened now and again and inflicted significant distress on unlucky retail businesses. But they weren’t an issue that caused sleepless nights for small business owners.

Unfortunately, for retail businesses in 2022, ram-raids are less about bad luck and more a question of ‘when’. This issue has become so bad that new and terrifying ram-raid stories are leading the news every morning.

The most recent data shows that in 2022 up until the end of September, a ram raid took place every 15 hours. There have already been more ram raids in just nine months of this year than in 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined.

This is an issue that Labour has allowed to spiral out of control. Offenders know that there is little chance of being caught and few consequences if they are under this Government which is soft on crime.

A couple of weeks ago, I met a lovely dairy owner in Auckland who has already been ram-raided twice this year. Due to the cost-of-living crisis, he has been working long hours to support his family and his son would often sleep on the floor of this shop. However, since the incidents at his store, he won’t allow his son to stay with him in the evenings because he is terrified of the impact another ram-raid could have on him.

After significant pressure from National, Labour announced the $6 million Crime Prevention Fund in May and claimed it would support vulnerable and victimised small business owners.

Former Police Minister Poto Williams, who has since been replaced due to a ‘lack of focus’ in the portfolio, also said that Aucklanders could expect a reduction in crime. Instead, more than 200 ram-raids have occurred since Labour’s announcement.

Despite Labour announcing this fund in May, only seven businesses have received any support. In fact, 97 per cent of the fund remains unused even though it was supposed to support 500 businesses.

I regularly meet with business owners who tell me they want to access this funding. Unfortunately, police have to proactively identify businesses for support, and when they do, they face layers of bureaucratic consent to traverse. It shows that Labour is great at making announcements but simply can’t get anything done.

Ram-raids are a major concern, but Labour is failing across the board when it comes to law and order. Violent crime has increased by 21 per cent, police response times have blown out and we have seen a whopping 50 per cent increase in gang members in just five years.

Our police are doing their best but are continuing to work with one hand tied behind their back. National would back police and give them the tools they need to crack down on gangs and criminals who believe they can act with impunity under this Government which is soft on crime.

  • Christopher Luxon is Leader of the Opposition and MP for Botany

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